Here’s the Templemere take on the hot topics that are going to be the most important issues for the travel industry over the next year, and why good PR around them will make a difference.
#1 Sustainability
Yes, it’s been high on the agenda for a while – and it’s not going anywhere. But the issue is a minefield for the PR-unsavvy, and greenwashing is becoming more and more obvious to a well-informed audience. Box ticking won’t cut it. If your company is actively making an effort to reduce its impact on the environment, shout about it, but make sure that facts and figures are there to support your claims and promises.
#2 Digitalisation
Digitalisation has gone from a buzzword to a ‘must have’. But again, dropping the ‘D’ bomb into every press release doesn’t convince. Technological advance must make a real and demonstrable difference to customer experience, operational efficiency, something, if it is to be worth talking about.
#3 Personalisation
Today’s consumer wants to craft experiences and products specifically to their personal needs, and a one-size-fits-all approach no longer appeals. A boast of ‘various options’ is too vague an offer, but genuine bespoke products or services will intrigue.
#4 Return of the APAC
At last! We can actually talk about Asia being back. While China still has its problems, across the region there is plenty of business to be had and deals to be done. Any stories about products and offers for Asia, from Asia or by Asia will be newsworthy.